Monday, March 26, 2012

The Elusive Truth

Back in the fall while dealing with a third party who was sticking their nose too far into an investigation and "demanding" a certain person be arrested, my partner JT said:

"Listen!  Arresting people is easy.  I could do that all day long.  My job is to try to find the truth....  and that is a much, much harder thing to do."


Posted by: Blue

It's transfer time.

We're losing two constables, our patrol sergeant, sergeant, relief patrol sergeant and relief sergeant.

Hopefully we get good replacements, because everyone leaving is a gem.

My partner and I are putting in the request to stay paired for the next year.   JT gave up a favorable position in a specialty unit so we could keep the dynamic duo going strong. 

Wish us luck.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saturday Night

Yoga pants...check.
Kids in bed...check.
Box of Kashi crackers...check.
Remote in hand...check.

Yup, a typical Saturday night when you're a cop's wife.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mom Time

Blue woke-up early to take The Boy and Miss Waffle to soccer and then out for treats.

Mom gets a morning off.

Unfortunately most of this dishes we own are sitting on the counter waiting to be washed.

O-well, at least I can listen to my music and putter away without distractions.

It's all about the little things...