Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Poor Blue. He's doing his Stress Inoculation at Academy this week. I've never seen him so exhausted.

I keep getting texts from him saying things like, "So-and-so just threw-up" or "So-and-so just broke their toe" or "So-and-so just broke their nose" or "So-and-so was just carried out on a stretcher" or "The ex-football player just knocked me out".

Poor Blue.

Although, I can see how it's helpful. They need to know that when they are at their lowest and ready to give up there are still reserves of energy and they can pull through. I'm so proud of him for even being able to show-up for another day of hell.

I was exhausted just listening to all they went through. I'm sure he'll post about it soon.

1 comment:

  1. I think I was more worried about HF in the academy than I am with him on the job! I guess that means that the academy is doing its job of training them. It killed me seeing him coming home day after day broken and bruised and just flat out beat. They survive. And so do we somehow. :)


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